Take the Pledge to Vote for Libraries in 2025
Pledge to vote for libraries in the United States in 2025.
1,825 Votes
Goal: 10,000 Votes
Join with thousands of other Americans to take the Pledge to Vote for Library Issues in 2025. Whether it is for a library tax measure on the ballot, a candidate for local office, school board or library board members, or even the president, we want to put libraries on the list of big issues. We want to make sure that there are well-funded libraries in every community, school libraries in every school, and librarians at work helping people from all walks of life succeed. Take the Pledge today and we will keep in touch as we lead-up to voting for our leaders and our civic priorities in every state in 2025.
The Pledge
When I vote, I will consider how candidates look at public libraries, school libraries, and the right to read. I understand that everyone running for office, from the President to state legislators to library and school boards, are the people who make funding decisions for libraries. I know that my own vote matters this year and for future generations of Americans.
I pledge to Vote for Library Issues because:
- Libraries transcend political parties and politics. They are open and free for all.
- Libraries are at the heart of the First Amendment and the right to read.
- Librarians need stable funding at the local level and from state and federal programs to do their life-changing work well.
- Quality libraries support business development and entrepreneurs -- which makes our local and national economy stronger -- and they provide the resources for a more educated and informed community.
- My community is a better place to live, is more fun and interesting, and is more successful because of our library. Our schools thrive when school librarians can support and encourage their students.
I want to live in a community that values its libraries and supports its librarians. I want to see every student have equal access to a school library. Everyone in America deserves that same opportunity.
Please add your name to the Pledge today and share this call-to-action with friends and family on social media.
Take the Pledge to Vote for Libraries in 2025
Pledge to vote for libraries in the United States in 2025.
1,825 Votes
Goal: 10,000 Votes
Join with thousands of other Americans to take the Pledge to Vote for Library Issues in 2025. Whether it is for a library tax measure on the ballot, a candidate for local office, school board or library board members, or even the president, we want to put libraries on the list of big issues. We want to make sure that there are well-funded libraries in every community, school libraries in every school, and librarians at work helping people from all walks of life succeed. Take the Pledge today and we will keep in touch as we lead-up to voting for our leaders and our civic priorities in every state in 2025.
The Pledge
When I vote, I will consider how candidates look at public libraries, school libraries, and the right to read. I understand that everyone running for office, from the President to state legislators to library and school boards, are the people who make funding decisions for libraries. I know that my own vote matters this year and for future generations of Americans.
I pledge to Vote for Library Issues because:
- Libraries transcend political parties and politics. They are open and free for all.
- Libraries are at the heart of the First Amendment and the right to read.
- Librarians need stable funding at the local level and from state and federal programs to do their life-changing work well.
- Quality libraries support business development and entrepreneurs -- which makes our local and national economy stronger -- and they provide the resources for a more educated and informed community.
- My community is a better place to live, is more fun and interesting, and is more successful because of our library. Our schools thrive when school librarians can support and encourage their students.
I want to live in a community that values its libraries and supports its librarians. I want to see every student have equal access to a school library. Everyone in America deserves that same opportunity.
Please add your name to the Pledge today and share this call-to-action with friends and family on social media.
Who's Pledging?