Know the Issues

Libraries2025 is the only national campaign to help voters like you stay informed of key library issues ahead of the election!

The Freedom of Speech protects the public against unconstitutional censorship and defends the right to read. Libraries across the country are facing threats to this freedom due to unjust book bans and attempts at censorship. Learn more about the issue of Free Speech and Unconstitutional Censorship in Libraries

The critical issue of defunding public education and school libraries is at the forefront of our work. Libraries2025 recognizes the importance of funding public education to provide students across the nation with access to information. Learn more about the importance of School Libraries and Education.

As a taxpayer, you have the right to choose to fund your local public library. This funding is vital to providing your community with access to essential resources and tools. Voting for pro-library candidates can help to ensure that your tax dollars are effectively spent. Learn more about your Taxpayer Rights and Libraries.

Libraries2025 is here to help you find resources on the federal, state, and local levels. 

Federally, our tools allow you to learn about IMLS’s funding to support libraries through its Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), the U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers to help underserved communities, and resources to stay up-to-date on federal legislation affecting libraries across the nation. Learn more about our resources for Federal Issues.

Various states enact different legislation that affect how public, school, and academic libraries are run on a daily basis. This legislation is enacted by state policymakers who determine how to fund libraries across the state. Learn more about accessing resources for State Issues and Legislation.

Libraries are largely supported on the local level, as local ballot measures can impact funding decisions and influence the policies at school and public libraries. Libraries2025 is proud to connect you with resources like Fight for the First to organize at a local level to help protect against book bans in your community. Learn more about resources for Local Ballot Measures and Issues.